California Senators Should Vote No on AB 783


Physical Therapy Practices are in Serious Jeopardy!

Private PT Businesses will Shut Down Unless You Act Now!

AB 783 passed through the Assembly.

Next it will go to the Senate Business and Professions Committee.

We MUST stop it there!

Without the proactive actions of our entire profession, the bill to legalize physician owned physical therapy services will go unchallenged, and hundreds of Physical Therapy practices likely will go out of business, putting us and 6,000 of our employees out of work!

Please help by faxing a letter and calling these legislators no later than Monday, June 6th, at the latest. Please don't delay.

Click here to download all the faxes you will need (Flash image)

We did the busy work for you.

Follow these very simple steps.

1. Enter your name and date in the fields at the top.

2. Write your story - Nothing fancy but let him know that Physician Owned Physical Therapy services have cost you money, jobs, and is hurting the profession. Tell a horror story but we need a massive outpouring of stuff coming down on this these 3 senators' heads.

2. Delete Yellow Highlights and Sign the bottom and fill in your address

3. IMPORTANT Print them out on your LETTERHEAD

4. Fax them.

5. Repeat with everyone in your office!

Feel free to customize them as you see fit.

For Phone Calls: Here are the names and phone numbers. If they ask questions, simple state the information that is contained on the fax.

Senator Lou Correa
Phone: (916) 651-4034

Senator Ed Hernandez
Phone: (916) 651-4024
Fax: (916) 445-0485

Senator Mark Wyland
Phone: (916) 651-4038
Fax: (916) 446-7382

For those of you who might feel "weird" about participating in the political process, think about it, this is why we live in America. This is your chance to have your voice be heard. (unless you don't mind working for a physician and believe, like they do, that anyone is qualified to do our job... then you can disregard this message).

Please Don't Delay.

Defeating AB 783 depends on every one of our CA members (and those out of state supporting their colleagues) taking action immediately so our voice can be heard. Our independence and livelihoods depend on it!

If you can donate - we need every penny we can muster.

The California Private Practice Group Board of Directors

PS: check for regular updates

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**The California Private Practice Group is a special interest group of the California Physical Therapy Association.**
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California Senators Should Vote No on AB 783
California Senators Should Vote No on AB 783
Reviewed by barbara hair mouse
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Rating : 4.5